Poltergeists, Panties, and Plasma, Oh My

Just a brief update here with some new links and upcoming goodies, just so you know the Goddess is still around and working!


First up, I’m sure you will remember the book I published not so long ago with parapsychologist Steve Mera, The Rochdale Poltergeist. Well, as a result of that book, Steve was summoned to work on an even stranger case right here in the US of A, the controversial Keith Linder “Demons in Seattle” case! Steve and his collaborator Don Phillips have been to the house and gathered lots and lots of data, and are in the process of making an episode of their UK TV show, “The Phenomena Project,” about what they discovered. More germane to this blog is the fact that Steve and I are collaborating on another book about this newer case! Its working title is House of Fire and Whispers: Investigating the Seattle Demon House, and it’s still in the interview/outline stage at the moment, but we’re trying to get it out in the next few months, while interest in the case is still high. More news as the book progresses! In the meantime, here is a short video giving an overview of the mysterious happenings:


I’m also still working on the erotica stories for my Panty Party Publishing arm; I haven’t been able to put up as many as I’d like lately because of other competing projects, but I have one story called “Island of the Satyrs” almost finished and ready to roll, and a third installment of the Little Dick Superpower series is also in the pipeline. Keep your pervy eyeballs peeled!


If any of you are going to be out and about in the Tampa, Florida area this coming weekend, why not stop by the Endless Night Vampire Ball at storied goth landmark The Castle? Tickets are $18 apiece, doors open on Saturday night at 10pm and it promises to be a grand time. I will be in attendance in all of my vampiric finery, accompanied of course by the GoH, and also by our dear friends DJ Lavidicus of Memento Mori fame, and his lovely wife Jen Draven, of 13th Angel fame. Vamp on up and say hello if you’re in the neighborhood!

And that’s all the news that’s fit to blog at the moment. Until next time, keep it creepy, my friends.

Panty Party Interview on Smashwords

So, in the interest of doing that book marketing thing that I’m actually not very good at, I went ahead and put up a short interview at Smashwords, wherein I discuss the genesis of Panty Party Publishing, other writing-related ephemera, and the existential dilemma of the human condition (not really). Have a read, if you’re so inclined. Thank you, and keep it creepy (and sexy).


New Erotica: “Head of the Gorgon”

Hey there, perverts! I hope everyone had a good holiday, however you celebrated. I told you that after all the Christmas craziness was over, I would be getting back to posting more erotica stories, so here’s my latest one. It’s in a new line called Monsters & Myth, and it’s the touching story of a hideous Gorgon and her seduction of the man who comes to behead her, and it’s called “Head of the Gorgon,” available from Smashwords for the low, low price of $1.99! Please download and read at your leisure, and don’t forget to follow Panty Party on Twitter and Facebook for more updates!


Rise of the Micromeat League: Little Dick Superpower Episode One

Hey there, perverts! Remember all that erotica business I was talking about? Well, the first ebook story is now available here through the auspices of my new Panty Party Publishing umbrella! I  was initially gonna go through Amazon’s KDP Direct program, but they red flagged me for content (lame asses), so I went with Smashwords, since they don’t seem quite so down with the censorship, at least not yet. They might hassle me later, but the story is up for now, so go get it for the low, low price of $1.99! Also, if you’d be so kind, please follow Panty Party on Twitter, and maybe also go like the Panty Party Facebook page too, so you can get all the updates when new stories come out! Thanks!


It’s an Undie Rumpus! It’s a Panty Party! It’s Erotica for Everyone!

‘Sup, hoary henchpersons! By now I’m sure you all have purchased your copy of The Rochdale Poltergeist, and if you haven’t, then I will have to be very, very displeased with you and may have to resort to stringent methods of punishment, which most of you are probably into, as far as I know. Anyway, it’s a good book and you should read it. Also, co-author Steve Mera and myself will be appearing on some more radio shows in the next couple of months, so I will keep you updated when those occur.

Now onto the main thrust of this post (heh)…


Remember back in this tirade where I mentioned I was going to start writing some short erotic fiction that I was going to make available as inexpensive ebooks? Of course you do. Well, that project is slowly coming to fruition, I’m happy to say. I’m starting a separate publishing imprint, Panty Party Publishing, that I’m going to use as an umbrella for three lines of erotica that I’ll be publishing under various pseudonyms. There will be a “gods and monsters” type line, including stories about Medusa and Anubis and maybe chupacabras and shit; there will be a standard goth / fetish / “serious” line; and finally, there will be a continuing episodic series called Little Dick Superpower that will chronicle the sexily hilarious exploits of the world’s most minimally-endowed superhero. The first episode of Little Dick’s adventures, “Rise of the Micromeat League,” will be available as an ebook on Tuesday, November 24th, for the paltry sum of $2.99, with more installments to come! Please download your copy and have a big, throbbing read, won’t you? I promise I won’t tell anyone what you’re doing with the hand you’re NOT using to hold your Kindle, if you know what I mean.


And as always, until next time, keep it creepy (and kinky), my friends.